🐾Welcome to Rift's Furry Island!🐾 We're a group all about socializing with other furs on ROBLOX. All are welcome to join, but please be kind and respectful to others! We're in pretty early stages of development still, but feel free to join and check out our WIP hangout place! All donations go to Ads! 💵To get the donator role, you must donate atleast 100 Robux, If you have done that, please message me or any staff member for your rank!💵 Rules: 🌟No trolling, exploiting, etc. 🌟STRICT "KEEP IT PG" POLICY! 🌟Be kind and respectful to all, no discrimination or drama. 🌟Don't ask to be free ranked. 🌟No self promotion or group wall spam. STAFF APPLICATIONS: bit(DOT)ly/35pHLtB Change (DOT) to a period. Founded 11/12/19 by Riftxii