✻ ⭐ ✻ The descriptions of the experiences below contain links to the items worn. (jk they dont lazy) ✻ 🔹 ✻ Clothes are for sale on the store tab. ✻ 🔸 ✻ Acquire the Preferred rank by the purchase of 8 items, and the Preferred Ⅱ by the purchase of 16 items. ✻ 🔖 ✻ 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s acne after the flash apc barena bottega veneta brunello cucinelli celine chanel chic classic classy clothes designer dior fallout france french hardline hermes italian italy lacoste louis vuitton menswear minimalist normal normcore oscarstarlite paris parisian post apoc post apocalyptic prada prep preppy ralph lauren retro saint laurent tennis thrift twin peaks vintage womenswear ✻