Welcome to Chill Cafe you idiot 📋 Applications Schedule: Sat+Sun 5 am EST / 5 pm EST ⏱ Trainings Schedule: Sat+Sun 6 am EST / 6 pm EST 🌟 RANKS: - Unknown Chill --> Pending - Chill Customer --> Customer - Chill Allies --> Owners of allied groups (with us obviously) - Noob Barista --> Gonna get trained to become chill - Chill Barista --> Congrats u can now serve customers bland and tasteless virtual food - Chill Trainer --> Train "noob baristas" and promote them to "chill baristas" - Chill Manager --> Interview people and ask them weird and unnecessary questions (then rank them to "noob baristas" 📣 RULES: - No admin abusing - No handing out admin - Don't be toxic or rude to any person - Please host a session more often 🌠 Support us for no reason: https://www.roblox.com/catalog/4349802766/Chill-Donation + buy the merch they're not stolen If you have any concerns / questions, please message the owner - - inactive - -