Innovation Inc. Maintenance.

Roblox Group

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5 years ago
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4 months ago
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44 minutes ago


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This group has not been forgotten, though it is not our priority at the moment. The IMD will remain our focus until we can get it out. Make sure to check the IMD's group shouts for updates on a release date! It's getting pretty close now.
1 year ago


Welcome to the Innovation Maintenance Division!

When your computer breaks, or you get trapped in an airlock opening up into outer space, or the water main above your office ruptures, that's when one of our “highly trained” maintenance technicians will step in! Rain or shine, day and night, we keep your facilities in tip top shape! We host regular maintenance patrols and trainings at our HQ which you can participate in to rank up. Use the group shouts or the dizzy server to know when the next event is happening!

Group Wall Rules:
- No spamming, being rude, or putting down any member of the Innovation community.
- No advertisements. Do not advertise your group here. Try reaching out to us instead.
- Do not break the chat filter and post inappropriate content.

If you would like to support our projects, join the server, or join our groups!

We are not official
Credit to madattak and Rolijok for Innovation Inc

[Managed by Sandstorm Studios]


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