~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Perfumiez 🎀 “Everyone Is Glamorous.” 🎀 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🌿 Welcome to Perfumiez, a Salon & Makeup Store here on the ROBLOX Platform. By having astounding Staff that want to benefit you in any way possible, to supplying you with glamorous products such as Lipsticks, Perfumes, and more we try to satisfy our Client’s needs. 🌿 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 📝 Want a job? Apply for one down at our Quiz Center today, and then head to trainings for a possible promotion: https://www.roblox.com/games/4480185175/Perfumiez-Quiz-Center 🎮 Make sure to follow our social links today! 👚 Show some Perfumiez Pride by wearing some of our merchandise. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🔗 [PUBLIC HANDBOOK] 🔗 Public Handbook: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/perfumiez-public-handbook/458969 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright, Perfumiez 2020 All rights reserved.