Do you have a rare name? Join to find out. There are different ranks you could get. Common, rare, epic, legendary, less than 3 copies, and only one in roblox. There's also special ranks. Inappropriate names (You don't want to find yourself here), old players, 3 letter names, banned (from roblox entirely), and hacked (only 1 person is in this role as I type this, but you could probably figure out how you would end up there). When you join the group, you will be put in a rank called "waiting to be ranked" this means none of our rank sorters have gotten to you yet. Finally we have the roles in charge of the group. Rank sorters (you can figure this one out), admins, and the owner (me) P.S. There's a chance it could take as long as a year for you to get ranked, so don't be surprised if you've been on for 4 months and you're still unranked.