__Games_________________________________________________________________________________ W.T.G : https://www.roblox.com/games/5470031640/WeaponTestGround G.T 1 : https://www.roblox.com/games/2258491595/Gun-Test-1 G.T 2 : https://www.roblox.com/games/3043144285/gun-test-2 __규칙(rule)_______________________________________________________________________________ 재미있는 게임을위해 이규칙을 지켜주세요! 구걸,무적킬,남용,허락하지않은명령어사용,이유없는kick.Ban,등을지켜주세요. 비속어,아이템구걸, 등은 가능한 하지말아주세요 구걸가능한아이템만 드림니다. 이규칙을 지키면 모두가 재미있게 플래이할수있을겁니다. 플래이해주셔서 감사합니다. (English) Please follow these rules for a fun game! Begging, invincible kills, abuse, use of unacceptable commands, kick-in without reason, and more. Please don't do slang, begging for items, etc. Only give items that can beg. If you follow these rules, everyone will have fun playing. We can give back the Admin if you want. (GT 2) Thx for play my game.