Hey everyone this group is another MM2 based group that strives to make the community stronger. Make deals, do duels, or just have a fun time murdering one another. Remember to check the value list so you don’t get scammed and lose value. If you want to get ranked up to elite prove that you got elite in MM2 by either turning your ROBLOX inventory to public so we can see if you have the elite game pass or ask Spacemanlivesx2 or one of the admins to join you in-game to see if you have elite. Rules: ❌ Don’t scam - scamming leads to getting moved to the scammers rank which is a permanent ban! ❌ Don’t advertise other links - advertising links lead to a permanent ban! ❌ Don’t Spam on the wall - spamming leads to a permanent ban! ✅ Be kind to one another ✅ And just have a great time making new friends with fellow MM2 enthusiasts 😊 To know your values in MM2 check MM2Values. com Group was created on 1/19/2020 at 11:00 PM by Spacemanlivesx2