👑Hello! Welcome to my Royale High Trading Group! Here, you can plan trades with people and discuss upcoming updates!👑 👑You must follow all Royale High official trading rules, they are listed below!👑 💠Do not advertise anything here unless you have messaged me to ask permission. 💠Do not scam (you will be banned from Royale High.) 💠Do not exploit, ex. abusing a glitch to gain items (you will be banned from Royale High.) 💠Do not cr o ss trade (trade for items outside of Royale High, such as Adopt Me items.) 💠Do not trust trade (trusting someone to do something after the trade has been accepted.) 💠I will delete posts which try to overprice items. 👑That's all the rules! Not following these may result in your removal from the group.👑 👑We also have a few items in our store, thanks for checking them out if you do.👑 👑If you want to know how to get a rank, ask on the group wall!👑 👑Have a great time! 👑 👑From Ieaxqh (Leah)! 👑 Created January 26th 2020.