CATS for cat people and these adorable felines CATS RULE ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❣️💕💞💓💗💓💞💕❣️💖💘💘 good luck😸 and don’t forget the questions of the day! RULES: DONT SAY I HATE CATS IF YOU WANT TO BE RANKED JUST ASK AND TELL ME WHAT RANK ENJOy:))-meep💜 and moose💖 RULES: DONT SAY. I HATE CATS/ DOGS ARE ALLOWED / YOU CAN ADVERTISE GROUPS / DONT BE MEAN / DONT SAY ADOPT ME PLAYERS SUCK/and say @meep@ when answering the group shout/ DONT ask for rbux it’s illegal/DONT swear/don’t leave the group cause I will hunt you / don’t wear rat ears or nose