🐾 🐾 Hello and welcome to The Furry Pride! A place where you can be yourself! Don’t forget to ask for a role on the group wall! As of every group, there are rules: - No spamming or chain messages [a mod/admin will determine what counts as spamming, typically posting ‘too many’ posts on the wall during a short period of time] - Be respectful of others! We’re a very accepting and nonjudgmental community, so let us keep it that way! - Do not respond to trolls/raiders that are trying to gain attention on the wall, their ‘attacks’ are meaningless and harmless and can be easily sorted out by a mod/admin - Do not advertise, it just clogs up the wall and it’s annoying for others And the most important rule, be yourself! This is a safe space, so please do not vent here, as it can be triggering for other members. Oh and if you’d like to ally with us, just let us know on the group wall! Wishing every one of you the best! Stay safe out there y’all! ^w^ 🐾 🐾