A game development studio founded by Bloodfang8910 on February 18th 2020. Development used to take place in the N.A.S.A training program group. Available Ranks: Fan - Join the Group. Supporter - Buy a shirt/clothes. Thanks! Giveaway Winner - Congrats, you won a giveaway, lucky! MML Legend - Perform well in a MML Tournament! MML Champion - Win a MML tournament! Tester - Help us with the testing of Speed Course. -------STAFF RANKS------- Mod - Be a Moderator on my YT Channel. Trails Designer - Create clothing/trails/assets for the group. Developer - Help make a game for us, and be an active scripter/builder. This is also Bloodfang8910's official YT group! Our current project is the game: Speed Course Scripted By: Bloodfang8910 Built By: Bloodfang8910 Trails By: Bloodfang8910 + TheKing_8746 Join the group in order to stay up-to-date with our Games, as well as receiving some exclusive rewards.