Welcome to WOWOW JOHNCENA... This is a Group of Social Developers , Roblox Developers , Influencers , Writers ,and Old Players of Roblox... We've observed Roblox Community for 6 years... Rules: 1. Do not swear. 2. Respect High Ranks. 3. Respect Group's Influencers. 4. Follow words of Club Leader. 5. Any actions made by Club Leader are important and wise. 6. Do not scam. 7. Harrassing and Bullying are considered prohibited. Activities: In this group , You can request mass report on [Users] who violated WOWOW JOHNCENA's Rules. Punishments are Warnings , Ban for 3 days , Ban for 7 days ,and Account Terminating. That's it. Your sincerely, Club Leader V, Won_Von---