Rοman Empire

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4 years ago
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3 months ago


The Roman Empire

"I came, I saw, I conquered."

The largest dominion to rule the known world of its time, stretching all the way from the wooded forests of Britain to the exhausting deserts of the Middle East. Rome is known for it's vast military dedicated to conquering and deceiving other nations with her feared legions, as well as governing its territory with her esteemed senatorial members.

In order to become a plebeian, provincials are now required to served in the auxiliary cohorts. Upon reaching the rank of immunes, provincials will be granted the status of plebeian. The primary means to citizenship (and the fastest) is purchasing a toga from the group store. Those who have been criminalized for committing crimes and lost their citizenship may regain it if they rank the reach of centurion in the auxiliary cohort.


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