✦ // : Rule 1 # No bullying ! ###e strongly promote inclusivity and accept anyone regardless of gender, se##########eligion, and race. Any form of harassment or bullying is prohibited. Be respectful and stay positive! ─────────────── ✧ // : Rule 2 #o offensive topics ! ###void discussions regarding offensive topics as it can be sensitive and hurtful. It may lead to disagreements and make others uncomfortable. ─────────────── ✦ // : Rule 3 # No racism ! ###e do not condone or tolerate racism as everyone, regardless of race, is welcomed and deserves to be treated as a human being. Racial and derogatory slurs are banned. ─────────────── ✧ // : Rule 4 # No inappropriate content ! ###e have members of all ages but minors should not be exposed to explicit content. NS####mages may lead to expulsion and immediate removal. ─────────────── ✦ // : Rule # : No advertising ### Advertisement and solicitation are forbidden. Do not distribute other ####### server links other than our own to us