This group has closed down, and is no longer active. This is a group to symbolize you as a pro or as a skilled player or to just hang out or train. So become a pro with obbies, sword fighting, and gun fighting. Founded March 31st, 2020 -Ranks- Player: join the group Rich People: have extreme amounts of robux or many expensive limited items. Innovation Security Members: be in Innovation Security Party Host: a friend or well respected person able to host parties due to special events/accomplishments Royal Guards: very well trusted friends and people able to protect the group or me/higher ranks Extreme: best friends or otherwise well known friends Pure Gold: Literally he is pure gold. Shoutout to Gold_Plate Shotgun Sharpshooter: He’s a sharpshooter of shotguns Zombie King: all hail him he is the king of the zombies. Shoutout to jjcoolzzzz Owner: The person that owns this group