Hi welcome to RRUA we just re opened. If your wondering the new owner is Kxrtcc! - Role Meaning- Common name- Pretty common names like this - appleboy948 Uncommon name- names that arent to bad like this - a_PPL3boy948 Rare name- names that are partly words or Clean looking names like this - 4_ppleboy Epic name- Names that Rhyme well or uncommon phrases like this - ted2ded Legendary names- Names with no numbers in them unless it goes with the word or l33tspeak words Godly names- Real words above sev letter, common phrases Mythic names- real words under sev letters char names- self-explanatory Ancient Account- any 012 and below acc Spaced name- self-explanatory If you need to be re ranked say it on the wall or ping us in the disco