Welcome To GVE (GangVsEverything), GVE is a life sentence/hard time clan that is due to take over! join the disco to meet the rest of the crew. to get better ranks you just have to be in the group For a long time. show me that you have potential. CHANGE YOUR DISPLAYER NAME TO GVE_(name) and put whatever after that, attend shootouts, show me you have what it takes, eventually I'll rank you up if your skillfull. Spread the word so GVE can take over!. 《 Rules 》 1. Stick With Members 2. Listen To And Respect Higher ranks 3. Hitting/Killing Other Members Or Allies Will NOT Be Tolerated 4. No traitorous act will be tolerated 5. Obey The boss Enemy Clans: everyone if your not GVE your dead. SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL ALSO!