=====WELCOME!===== Welcome to the Ro-Ghoul Wiki Group! We're an active community with over 58,000 edits, 94 pages, and over 2,500 images! Join the effort of information-gathering for one of Roblox's top anime games! The Ro-Ghoul Wiki was founded on July 11th, 2018. Over the past years, we have been a proud source of information in regards to Ro-Ghoul and we are proud to boast that we are community-driven. Without our many users, we could not be able to provide the experience we provide today. Join our community! Chat with other players, discuss the game, or get assistance with the Fandom platform! We're here to help! ===DISCLAIMERS=== We are NOT Ro-Ghoul Staff/Developers! Nobody in this group is a part of the team and cannot give out codes or revoke any bans.