The Danish Armed Forces (Forsvaret) is the military forces of the Kingdom of Denmark tasked with defending Denmark, her interests, citizens and self-governing territories Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The Danish military also supports international peacekeeping efforts and provide humanitarian aid all over the globe. Since the creation of the military in the 1500's the forces have seen action in many wars, a lot involving Sweden, the Nordic sister country, but it has also been involved in many great wars such as, the Thirty Years' War (1600's), Great Northern War (1700's), as well the Napoleonic Wars (1800's) Today in the modern era the armed forces consists of; Denmark's primary land warfare branch, the Royal Danish Navy, a blue-water navy with a fleet of 20 commissioned ships, and the Royal Danish Air Force, an air force with an operational fleet consisting of both fixed-wing and rotary aircraft, the Danish Defence also includes the Home Guard.