Cheems Gang. We are a group of Cheem, And we are now allies with Doge Gang! if you participate in trainings you might get a higher rank, all trainings start in Cheemsrabia We do cool things like make merch and games, stuff that your support could really help out on. Also we have c rd check it out at the corner of your screen Be active, unless ur on Vacation pls Wiki: cheeemsrabia. fandom. com /wiki/Cheeemsrabia_Wiki Rules- 1 - Do not ask for admin on the group wall | (Warning) 2 - Please be nice to other people | (Warning) 3 - Do not advertise your group on the group wall | (Warning) 4 - No admin ab use | (Kick) 5 - Do not join just to hate on this server | (Kick) 6 - Do not Spam on the group wall | (Warning or Kick) 7 - If you try and raid us we will fight back | (Warn or kick) 8 - Don't beg for bobux | (Warn or Kick) (3 Warnings = a Kick) (3 Kicks = a Ban) Founded on 4 / 22 / 2020