[ABOUT]: Hello, its me the owner, cattbruh. I submit people to undergo making games and clothing for you. A lot of them also have groups that are recommended to check out, here they are; 1ninja3000's group is [Teh Epik Gamer Club] AveragePlayer's group is called [Noob Gamers :D] And Redluo's group is named [Red symbol] Tell your friends about this group too, as our goal of total members is 2,500. This group wasn't really made to support anything, but we do support the advance in ourselves and others who join, and thanks to you, we have been here for over two years! [ROLES]: Cool boiz: Epic people Epic boiz: A player that is frequently on our group chat Game pros: Scripters/Game developers Clothing pros: Clothing makers for the group Allied boiz: Allies or friends Premium boiz: Very trusted people Co owner: People that contributed themselves to this group cattbruh: The owner of this epic group [HONERABLE MENTIONS]: Bot89898989898 vethnik Redluo jimjam 1ninja3000 Litkillerjay5