🌍 Arrive at Platavia city and choose your path...Will you go with insanity..?...Protecting the City or....Will you become more..? Arrive at Platavia City to experiece PVP, STORY, HANGOUT, ROLEPLAY. 🌍 ⚠️ Brace yourself! This game is a true test of your Disipline and PvP skills. Are you prepared..?? 💪 MAIN GAME: https://www.roblox.com/games/7131560907/Platavia-City JOIN THE PRCA: https://www.roblox.com/groups/34120812/THE-PRCA#!/about PLATAVIA CITY is a horror based open world game, containing: Looting, jumpscares, lore, gun combat, melee combat, jobs, cash and much more. We always strive to make a better game for YOU! PLAY PLATAVIA CITY TODAY! UPDATES EVERY SATURDAY! JOIN OUR COMMUNITY.