☕️ Welcome to Cubano! ☕️ ☀️Motto: Sunshine might never come again, but at Cubano, always there. ☀️ 😇Founder: Lolinmouse 😇 📌 Here at Cubano, we strive to make sure customers have the best service possible, our staff are welcoming and hardworking and we are always hiring! Cubano is a newly found business and is always looking for more staff. 📌 🎓 Want a job? Head down to our application center and then take a quick interview to become a trainee! Link: [WIP] 🎓 📸 Like our game and group graphics? DM Lolinmouse today! 📸 📎 Join our communications server for development updates and more! Code: found in social tab 📎 📝 Cubano was founded by Lolin on June 10th, 2020! 📝 Interview center link: https://www.roblox.com/games/5006064032/Interview-center Training center: https://www.roblox.com/games/5196452593/Cubano-Cafe-Training-Center Cafe Link: https://www.roblox.com/games/4997855169/Cubano-Cafe