‡‡Welcome to Base War Experts‡‡ This group is made specially for players with good Kill Death Ratios(KDRs) in "Base Wars: The Land!" Don't have that much kills, but still a great fighter? Well, this is the group for you! Time to show off your true skill in Base War Experts! To be promoted: -Minimum requirement of kills: 750 -You must have a KDR of 2.0+ -To be promoted, you cannot just tell us your KDR, follow HumanXerxes or a Group Helper in Base Wars. • Skilled Players: 2.0+ • Pros: 4.0+ • Epic Players: 6.0+ • Masters: 8.0+ • Experts: 10.0+ To find your KDR, just divide the number of your kills by the number of your deaths. (You may need a calculator) Another way to find your KDR: Enter a server of Base Wars: The Land. In the bottom-left corner of your screen, click 'Your Base war Profile.' It will bring up a GUI with all of your stats, including your KDR.