Hey Guys! It's me, the pickle :D Okay so heres 3 things I wanna mention. 1. I'm very busy so I dont check this group everyday sorry, when I check it I update all the roles that need to and I scroll through the comments but i dont see everything, so please dont be a jerk about it :) 2. A lot of times when I am on piggy I am building my map so I have it set to private or friends only sorry! I will do a lot more hosting for anyone of the kitchen map so people can play it :) sorry if I'm ever building though and have it off! I will open it up at times though 3. Just because I'm not always dressed as a pickle doesn't mean I'm not a pickle, I have other avatars but I do mainly use the pickle. I do have a couple of rules aswell: 1. No Swearing 2. No Scamming 3. No Advertising 4. No Begging (that means begging about friend requests and robux too!!) 5. Be considerate, if you are being jerks I WILL turn off comments 6. Have fun and enjoy your time here :D