Welcome to 🌌 -Universe- 🌌 the official group of the game -S p a c e-, Sakura Island 🌸 (and future VIBE Space) . Make sure to take a look at out clothing store, might find something you like. (in store) Don't beg for robux and don't self-advertise. -- Roles & Ranks -- ◈ 🌌 Galaxy = Owner ◈ ☀ Sun = Co-Owner ◈ 🛠 Nebula = Developers ◈ 🪐 Gas Giants = HeadAdmin ◈ 🌍 Planets = Admin ◈ 🌑 Dwarf Planets = Mod ◈ 👥 Friends = Owner's Friends ◈ ☄ Meteors = VIP ◈ 🌠 Comets = Member -- Credits -- 🌌 Owner: @parceleen 🛠 Builder: @Andarsia - Victoria - @01CCYG 💻 Programmer: @parceleen 🎨 Artist: @Darryuh - Victoria - @MaryjloHD - @01CCYG 👗 Designer: @Solticres -- Links -- ◇ -S p a c e-: https://www.roblox.com/games/4731243388 ◇ Sakura Island 🌸: https://www.roblox.com/games/9954031095 ◇ VIBE Space: (no link yet)