👒[History]👒 Hounds Clothes was originally found on the 6th of July 👚[Info]👚 Hounds is our branded name, it puts a label on us. Keniue always has his messages open for complaints or suggestions on new merchandise. 🎉[Thank you guys]🎉 You don't have to buy merch, but I love the fact that you guys are coming to my group and supporting it. Keep up the good work and we could have a large community of clothing fans! 💃[Rules]💃 No begging, scamming, self-promoting, disrespecting the group holder and admins, no fishing links, anything out of the Roblox TOS is not allowed in this group ⚠️[No Warnings]⚠️ We do not give warnings to rule-breakers, if you break a rule you will be warned or exiled.