Hi!! I like to make clothes👚👕I price everything reasonably, so check out my stuff✌️😌 feel free to stay and enjoy the v i b e s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O Shirts~ Egg🥚~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ F o r shirts~ Hatchling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A t e shirts~ Chickadee 🐥~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Owner(my alt)~ Mother Hen 🐓~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do plenty of giveaways so please join, you have a better chance of winning if you buy more clothes or if you are an active member! --If you donate IO robux I will make a shirt of your design! Everyone is welcome in this group! You might be surprised but I DO allow advertising, just please don't spam, I'd love to join your group in support :) If you want to be ranked up make sure to let me know and I’ll check my sales