This group will be making multiple games located in a single place. Once there are several games, there will be a crossover system where people from different games can compete with each other. Currently working on: OnlineX: Warzone ---- READ ME--- Did you give up on UnOrdinary OnlineX? No. I did not. I am simply putting UnOrdinary Online and UnOrdinary Battlefield off for now because their game mechanics will be revamped once I finish making OnlineX: Warzone. Battlefield and OnlineX mechanics will be the same as OnlineX: Warzone. What is OnlineX: Warzone about? It's a PvP game that has multiple fighting modes (Ex: Team death match, FFA, Juggernaut, ETC.). Each character in this game has unique fighting styles and combos that you can be creative. Once you have leveled up an individual character to a specific level, you can advance them to the next stage, allowing them to unlock new combos and new moves.