This is a group where you can show off ur skills in JUKE'S TOWERS OF HELL! Beat towers, and post them here! If you love Juke's Towers Of Hell, this group is for you! From now on, please REJOIN the group if you wish to be ranked up! Checkpoint: 10 members ✅ Goal: 100 members ✅ Milestone: 500 members ✅ Miracle: 1,000 members ✅ Member count until next goal: 16 Requirements needed to earn rank: Beginner Players: Beat a tower Intermediate Players: Beat a hard or difficult tower Advanced Players: Beat a challenging tower Legendary Players: Beat an intense tower (Not ToIE) Godly Players: Beat a remorseless Z-pic Players: Beat 2 remorseless & unlock all rings and zones The Best Of The Best: Beat an insane Extreme Legends: Beat an extreme Terrifying Kings: Beat a terrifying Cata Champs: Beat a catastrophic My newest tower completion: ToYV (Mid Remorseless) My best tower completion: ToYV (Mid Remorseless) Earn these roles by playing the game "Juke's Towers Of Hell"!