LUSHIVE 🎮🦋 June 15, 2020 ઇઉ «───── « ★ » ─────» LUSHIVE is a modernized gameshow-clothing corporation that works in the production of creating engaging and entertaining gameshows, while releasing varieties of clothing on the catalog. Our main priority is to be a safe environment and to provide excellent satisfaction for our players and community. 📋 If you’re interested in becoming apart of our Staff Team, any community member is able to apply for Intern inside our announcements channel when applications are open. 📢 Interested in connecting with us more? You can get to knows us more by visiting our Social Links! 💬 If you wish to get notified for a gameshow or chat with us, join our community server using our code “LUSHIVE”. 📚 If you have any questions or wish to see our information, refer to our handbook: