Welcome to MEME5, where we sell Meme clothing for the cheapest prices possible! MEME5 means MEMES (5 looks like S) New clothing everyday. We post lots of Dank Memes in this group. Most clothing is really dank meme related you should check them out. Owned by ChipsWithNoDip Rules No spamming No self promoting No asking for robux break any rules you will be instantly banned without a warning If you buy 10 items you get Amazing Memer If you buy 20 items you get Epic Memer If you buy 25 items you get Mighty Memer if you buy 35 items you get Chill Memer if you buy 45 items you get Master Memer if you buy 50 items you get Godly Memer If u buy enough things say !rank On the group wall and you will be ranked in 24 hours