GeneraX Performium

Roblox Group

Group Icon
4 years ago
Previous Day Growth
Tracked Since
2 years ago
Stats Updated
2 weeks ago


『《《〔Welcome to GeneraX Performium!〕》》』

G.X.P Welcoming
The future is upon us, after the fallout of General Electionz a new era awaits us. We'd like to welcome you once again, and restart a new era for our hope & intentions, and we always update our games, shouts, and even our stats each week, but we consider for you to join once again to build-up the best of the best there is in stored.

G.X.P GroupWall Guidelines
1. Do not spam anything in the wall example(Hatred, Links, Advertisements)
2. No dramas are allowed to be brought up anywhere even in the game.
3. Asking for ranks, or a raise will not get you ranked up only time will tell when you will get promoted.
4. Most importantly be nice & respectable. :)

G.X.P History
Group was 1st created by "TKORoblox1" and the ownership was transferred many times to people.
Current Owner〕InfernoXCI.
Group creation date〕June 17th 2020.

G.X.P Links
〕Server (eHjpzk)


Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?MembersJul '23Jan '24Jul '24Jan '25202420251100105010751125115011751w1m3mAll
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Chart context menu?New MembersJul '23Jan '24Jul '24Jan '2520242025-4-20241w1m3mAll

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