THE most DANK! clothing GROUP! out there. check out these epic ranks B) Ranks: ēłītē member💀: 4 shirts ãńgłē🕊: 5 shirts dêmøñ🥵 : 10 shirts šūmmøñïńg dēmøñ🥶: 20 shirts øvērłôrd🥶💫🥵: 50 shirts friend request+follow from the owner šātåñ🔥: 60+ shirts pure GØDDĒŠŚ: 100 shirts READ BEFORE BUYING DONATIONS TOS: any group wall abuse or group shout abuse will be sent to group moderators which would lead to a perm kick and lose of rank. cannot harass staff for audit log payouts or shirt making. mods check every 20 minutes so do not violate TOS or it will lead to major consequences. total sales (not up to date): 16,122 this is a men clothing wardrobe. 10,000+ sales EST date: 14/3/20