🏒 Welcome to the NMHL Group! 🏒 🎉 We thank everyone for supporting NMHL! Thanks for Visiting! 🎉 Current Season: Off-Season 📄 NMHL Information 📝 🏆 Majors Cup Champions 🏆 S1 - Vancouver Pusheens - nausiy S2 - St Louis Blazers - iRepEli7e S3 - Cannobe City Archers - GummyBlocks S4 - New York Sewer Clowns - rayquazafan1012 S5 - North Pole Frost - Frostzyzz S6 - Tri City Atoms - 306mystic S7 - Nucleus Squad - VladislavTretiek S8 - Detroit Diesel - z_R0tation 🏆 Minors Cup Champions 🏆(NMHLM) S1 - Nashville Knights - rayquazafan1012 S2 - South Beach Wolves - KyySvardo S3 - Bayern Ice - DuoKing S4 - Anchorage Snow Leopards - AlanTheLamb 🏆 NMHL: Friend League Champions 🏆(NMHL:FL) S1 - Vancouver Pusheens - hystericaljoshua21 S2 - Bayern Ice - DuoKing S3 - Toronto Eagles - DuoKing S4 - Detroit Death - hockey_kid222 🏆 Special Tournament Champions 🏆 2024 Summer Bash - Tokyo Jujutsu High - vivabobby