Yo, welcome to the official "The Omniverse" group. game link: https://www.roblox.com/games/5618843411/The-Omniverse?refPageId=80e1390c-2215-4af3-b30c-c135fb80acd6 There are rules that you will abide to stay in the group, which are -Do not advertise -Do not be toxic -Do not share any music ID's that were exclusively given to me for the game* -Do not steal any sans fight ideas I made without my permission* -(For devs) Do not spoil anything at all w/o permission, only I can decide if it's to be spoiled or not. -Do not ask for nerfs without a logical reason, such as "It's too hard." Give a legitimate reason why it should be nerfed. (Also applies to buffs) (the * sign means that you can choose to remove stolen stuff from your game, or I take it down) Got any exploiters that you catch? Report them to me with full video proof. Last but not least, have fun.