The OG Era Parker-Blue As Anthony King-Yellow As Greg Dallad-Red As Mur r ay Zion-Purple As Jeff The Sam Era Josiah-Yellow As Sam The 2013 to 2021 Era Samantha-Yellow As Em ma Benny-R e d As Simon Blake-Purple As La chy The Tsehay Era Stephanie-Yellow As Tsehay Was Originally Red In FSTV The Fruit Salad TV Wiggles Kayla-Yellow As Ke lly Em il y- Y e llow & Blue As Evie Ellie-Blue As Lucia Brandon-Purple As John Han nah-Red As Caterina Tristan G.-Red As Ry a n Xavier's Fill In Cam B.-Blue Red & Yellow As Brett King & Parker & Albert's Fill In & Orange Wiggle As Al Roker & Lee Hawkins