Welcome to The Bible Readers! Feel free to put Bible verses on the group wall but please say what version it is. Rules: Rule 1: Be kind. Try to say encouraging things on the group wall. Rule 2: Do not use the Lord's name in vain. Rule 3: Do not advertise. Ranks: 📜Verse Giver📜: Posts verses on the group wall or shout. 👋Welcoming Team👋: Welcomes the new members to the group. ❓Question Answerers❓: Answers questions asked by the group members. 🗡 📖 Sword Fighters 📖 🗡: Studies the word of God and uses it to help people know the truth. 👕Clothing Designers👕: Makes clothes for the group 💬Chat Moderators💬: Watches the group wall to make sure it stays safe and clean. 👀Overseer👀: Does all of the above. Beliefs: We are a KJV Bible based CHRlSTlAN group. We believe LGBTQ+ is a sin. (Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.)