WE LO▼E NIGHTCORE! ...And we hope you do too! This is the official Roblox nightcore fan group, if you like nightcore, come join us! Nightcore is a remixed music, usually with the following features: ♥ Fast paced music. ♥ High-pitched voices. ♥ Made using songs that already exist. Nightcore is mostly remixes of famous songs, but many songs nowadays have a nightcore version. Just look around! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We often ask questions to find out what you guys like. It could be about Roblox, anime, holidays, favourite things, but mainly nightcore! Keep your eyes out for small competitions in the group to earn small Robux prizes from group funds; don't forget to participate when you can~ Wanna rank up? Just talk with people and answer some of the questions asked, who knows how far up you'll go. :o