❓ A group where I announce stuff for Find the Big Heads. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND joining the community server (not the guilded), it's where I'm more active and post detailed announcements. 🚨 RULES: - NO SCAMMING OR SCAM GAME/GROUP LINKS (Post deletion and mute) - NO SENDING OFF-TOPIC SERVER LINKS (Post deletion) - NO BEGGING FOR ROBUX (Post deletion and mute if repetitive) - NO ADVERTISING GROUPS (Post deletion and mute) 😃 ROLES: - 💭 Suggesters: Suggest something that gets added to the game. - 📝 Notable: Be active in the group wall or be notable by the owner in some way. - ❤️ Supporters: Be nice to others and be active in the group wall for a long while. ⚠️ IMPORTANT: I do NOT own most of the clothing in the group, they come from different Roblox games, If you designed any of the clothing and want it to get taken down, ask in the Group Wall and I'll do so.