**WE DON'T CONDONE THE ACTUAL CONSUMPTION OF SUNSCREEN** THIS GROUP IS A JOKE AND IS MEANT TO BE TAKEN AS SUCH DONT EAT IT ** So you've decided to take a wild leap into the sunscreen eating phenomena. We welcome you with open arms. Here we pride ourselves on eatin the top-pest of quality sunscreen. While your here check out our clothing that we have on sale atm and keep in touch for a new game we are going to be developing :D If you beg for robux there’s a 50/50 percent chance you’re gonna get the boot. I give some out occasionally... RULES (ANY RULES BROKEN RESULTS IN BEING KICKED) -- NO ADVERTISING NO SPAM NO BEGGING ONLY EPIC GAMERS ALLOWED WE DON'T ACCEPT ALLYS (WE WILL ALLY YOU) WE ARE FANS OF FLAMINGO We have a dis. server Bkf9z5cEwR