Hello everyone! This group is open for all! Me and @AceDevArnav actively use this group for fund transfers via developing and to do epic giveaways! We would be answering all your questions in the wall so dont be shy to drop a message :D Rules : Spamming is not allowed! Members are allowed to reach out to the group mods for assistance. Follow Roblox ToS at all times, do not do off-topic discussions ----- Me and @AceDevArnav are volunteers under DevRel's UGC program so you can expect us to be away for comms or events. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you wish to reach out to me, check out the connected social link! The Donator role is awarded after a purchase of an item worth 25 rbx or above! Buy a merch worth 2k+ for a custom role! The Developer role is awarded to members who have been verified by the staff team. The hype squad role is unobtainable! It's for the epic squad who are the reason behind this group! Have fun!