TIR: The Film Department!

Roblox Group

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4 years ago
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2 years ago
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2 hours ago


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Hi, we are proud to announce that new "Out of the Ink Machine" merch has been added to the group store! The merch added includes Ollie's head, bowtie and gloves. This is not a limited release so feel free to buy it anytime :)
2 months ago


TIR: The Film Department! is a ROBLOX-based development Studio, that specializes in Roleplay games and first-person horror games, we've made The Inky Reels and will eventually lead onto other projects!

- [ Rules ] -
Don't beg for updates【 They'll come when they're ready :) 】
Don't post spam or copypastas
Don't post scams
Don't ask for release dates on anything related to our projects. 【 We don't have one 】

- [Current Projects ] -
- The Inky Reels -


PS: We Only Accept Ally Requests From People That Are Good Friends With The Directors

Group Icon Made By: Madeline!

Group Founded July 15th, 2020 by eliaskjb


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