------ 📢 THE FRONT OF THE REVOLUTION AGAINST THE PLAGUE OF MANY HUES, WE AIM TO HALT AND DESTROY ANY FURTHER RAINBOWY-CARTOONING 📢 ------ ⚠ Roles are AUTO-ASSIGNED, if you have the wrong role PLEASE MESSAGE ME ⚠ UGC Against Rainbow is for UGC devs who are absolutely epic and have never made a cartoony rainbow item in their career. (thanks WhoToTrus and IDontHaveAUse <3) UGC Ruiner is for any ugc devs who join who are brave enough to enter our domain who have committed the sin of rainbowing cartoonishly. if you are a UGC dev feel free to join this group and turn towards the light! anti rainbowcartooner is for those who are with the revolution cartoony rainbow supporter is if for rainbow cartooners who join for some reason la creatura is for cartoony rainbows who are nothing but the aforementioned, with no purity left within ------ this group is no longer a joke we are completely against these ugc trends : - cartoony rainbow - cartoony demon - cartoony items in general ----