wriggle wriggle wriggle check the group store and group game for cool/weird clothing v rank info v worm: join wriggle lizard: be allies with wriggle worker ant: clothing designer mantis: builder rat: my friends that were a worm v free ranks v cockroach cockroach-a-saurus ladybug beetle maggot scorpionfly salamander ant v earned ranks v termite: I noticed u/liked ur avatar fire ant: buy 1 clothing bullet ant: buy 2 clothing caterpillar: buy 3 clothing butterfly: buy 4 clothing tarantula: buy 5 clothing or purchase rank moth: buy 10 clothing or purchase rank slug: buy 15 clothing or purchase rank centipede: buy 20 clothing or purchase rank by the way, if you are buying a t-shirt for a rank, you've gotta look in the store now because it won't let me link them on here anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if u wanna get ranked up or down lmk on the wall!!!!