🐧❄️ Welcome to #Penguin Association ❄️🐧 Founded by Wildcutepenguin on 07/28/20 🎮If you join our group you can play test some of our games!🎮 Make sure to join my official fan group! https://www.roblox.com/groups/8342268/Wildcutepenguin#!/about Credits: 🎨Group Emblem Designer🎨 - @rxxsegold 👕Penguin Cafe Hoodies👕 - @SilkierDock0564 Find more info about the credits here: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/-/1144729 👕You can purchase merchandise in the group store to help support the group!👕 🐧Thank you for supporting #Penguin Association!❄️ Notice: Please do not spam the group wall or ask for Robux.