Emperial Nation

Roblox Group

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12 years ago
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We're a military group with a heart deep in a volcano we burn we glory and freedom, the lava flows though our vains like no other we our ten but 1 we strike our enemies like a lava wave killing everything in our path.Anyone who stands in our way we will personal tear limb,by limb! We have at least 2 trainings a day depends on timezone and 1 raid a week. Meetings at weekends To become a HR you must gain though the ranks like no other become strong.

Created on November 13 2012 by kingfunnyowen45

News: Group is under construction along with buildings, please do recruit I would really thank you to get promotion at the momuent recruit 3 people and PM me.

Uniforms: Just need reclouring.

Rules: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=82016045

I hope you enjoy you're time in EN we will do our best to train you to the max.

Hail Emperial Nation


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