Welcome to The Church of Life! Here, we love to spread the word and Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesxus Christ! We want to help others who may not accept Jesxus into their lives, and let them become children of God. Everyone is welcome to join and be apart of this positive community! [COMING SOON] .Finished Church .Clothing .Communications Server (In The Works) [HIRING] .Developer who can help finish the Church. It would be appreciated if you did cheap or free work, as I don’t have much Robux at all! .Clothing Designer to help create clothes for us. Only looking for a few donations shirts, two shirts, and a pair of pants! .Staff for the Church! Please request an interview time below on the group wall. _____________________________________________ [Support] If you have any of these, feel free to message the Owner: ❓Question 💬Comment 😦 Concern 👍Feedback Thanks to our wonderful Staff and Community Members for making the group possible!