Founded on May 3rd 2022! Welcome to, Washington Airways! We are happy that you decide to join us on this journey! Supervisor+ can train and Director+ can host/co host. Trainee+ can join a training and hopefully redeem their next rank+ Training times, (Starting with slX am, go past every lll hours. (If you fail a training please corporate with us and leave the game 🙂 Shifts are hosted randomly! They will get to rank up supervisor+ Our rules: No advertising Do not spam Do not ask for a rank Do not ask for a shift Use proper grammar If you fail to comply with any of our rules you will be warned or permanently banned. If you see in your rank LR, MR, HR, or SHR. LR= Low Rank. MR= Medium Rank. HR= High Rank. SHR= Super High Rank. We use this to refer to our staff team. For example SHR is our admin team. Have a safe flight ✈️ and thanks 😊 for choosing Washington Airways! ✈️